Ling Li

Amorphous System and Theory


Key Laboratory of Microelectronic Devices & Integrated Technology, Institute of Microelectronics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100029, China






    Ling Li was born in Sichuan,China. He received the Master of Science from Institute of microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sceinces, and the PhD degree in microelectronics from the Technische Universität Wien, in 2004, and 2007, respectively. He is currently employed as Professor at the Institute of Microelectronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Since 2017 he has headed the key lab of microelectronic device and integration technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences. His current scientific interests include charge transport in disordered material, device modeling, and new memory devices issues.



Abstract for Presentation

Collective transport in disordered semiconducting materials


    Understanding the controversial mechanisms for charge transport in disordered materials and devices are essential for further optimizing their electrical performances. In recent years, one of the most discussed issues is whether macroscopic charge transport characters in disordered materials are dominated by individual behaviors from elementary hoppings or by the collective transport of the whole resistant network, this has long been a topic of intense controversies. While we show here via a systematic dimensionality dependent charge transport investigation, the longstanding nonlinear transport problems in conducting polymers can only be solved within an inhomogeneous percolation network. The dimensionality’s possible mediation on percolation threshold pc enabled us draw a smooth connection between two typically observed nonlinear phenomena - dissipative tunneling-like and coulomb blockade-like transport which are controversial against each other for years, and final unified them via the collective transport among percolation paths limited by the inhomogeneous tunneling resistors network, possible microscopic origins of the homogeneity are discussed within the Coulomb blockade and other theories.





































Figure 1.Dimensionality mediated collective nonlinear transport in inhomogeneous conducting polymers. (a) inhomogeneity of polymer films; (b) dimension dependent nonlinear transport; and (c) theoretic evaluation of the collective percolation in inhomogeneous network.


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