Full-text Paper Submission
The ICANS29@Nanjing will provide 3 full-text publication channels, as Focus/Special/Themed issues, dedicated to the selected papers from ICANS29 conference, in the following 3 Journals,
1. Nanotechnology – IOP science - Institute of Physics, open for all Topic submissions involved in nanoscale structure, phenomena and devices. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and the selected papers will be published as a Focus Issue on the 29th International Conference on Amorphous and Nano-crystalline Semiconductors (ICANS29)
2. Nanomaterials - Open access journal, open for all Topic submissions relevant to any field of study that involves nanomaterials, as a Special Issue "Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors: Selected Papers from ICANS 29"
3. European Physical Journals on Photovoltaics (EPJPV), open for all Topic submissions related to Photovoltaics Materials and Devices. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and the selected papers will be as a Themed Issue for the 29th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON AMORPHOUS & NANOCRYSTALLINE SEMICONDUCTORS (ICANS 29).
1. Please click into the above Journal links to get more detailed instructions or guidelines for the submission links, deadlines and publication discount policy;
2. All papers should be submitted to the Focus/Special/Themed issues of the corresponding Journals (Not the ICANS29 website), via their official submission portals, which have been open now or will be setup soon.
23-26 August, Nanjing, China
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